How to Achieve Balance & Stay Well This Spring


Spring is a time of rebirth and growth - even in this unprecedented and difficult period of our lives.

In eastern medicine, each season is associated with an element, an emotion, a bodily organ, a flavor and a color. The spring is associated with the following.

The Wood Element

The nature of wood is both flexible and durable. In the spring, we typically experience a burst of energy, a desire to get outside, to be active and are open to new creative ideas. To embrace the element, spend lots of time outdoors and add the following herbs into your diet where possible: basil, dill, fennel, ginger, peppermint and sage and turmeric.

The Anger Emotion

Anger can be a healthy and normal reaction to stress or frustration when balanced. However, unbalanced, anger can become volatile and lead to outbursts and irritability. This is why it so important to always maintain balance in your life.

The Liver & Gallbladder

The liver is responsible for the movement of energy (qi) - something that we accomplish through acupuncture. It has many functions, including the smooth circulation of blood, the maintenance of metabolism and digestion, a healthy nervous system and more. Imbalances in the liver can lead to skin and eye problems, bloating, digestive and menstrual issues, headaches, body stiffness and emotional imbalances. 

Physical activity is key. To further detoxify the liver, add or increase the following foods in your diet: beets, dandelion greens, garlic, onions, sweet potatoes and parsnips.

The Color Green

Perhaps unsurprisingly, spring is associated with the color green. Incorporate extra leafy greens and vegetables into your diet this season.

The Sour Flavor

The sour flavor that is associated with spring encourages us to eat tart apples, lemons, cherries, pickles, strawberries and apple cider vinegar.

Achieving Balance During This Difficult Time

I’m a firm believer in the benefits of essential oils. This spring, I recommend bergamot, bitter orange, chamomile, grapefruit, lavender and peppermint. 

While the global pandemic we’re all experiencing is resulting in more time spent inside, try to get outside as much as possible and maintain an active lifestyle. Click here for some of my favorite workouts.

Most importantly, take time for reflection, meditation and other practices that quiet the mind and allow for a feeling of calm while the world moves through this period of unrest.