Autumn Arrival: A Time for Renewal


Like computers or cell phones, sometimes we just need to shutdown and reboot.

Autumn is one of our favorite seasons for this exact reason. There’s a very noticeable shift that occurs in the world around us when summer transitions into fall - not only in the physical landscape (which is of course beautiful here on the East Coast), but also a shift in energy.

In Chinese medicine, autumn is associated with element metal and the yin organ lungs. This season governs organization. We move from the external, expansive, and freeing nature of the summer towards the more internal and contractive nature of fall.  This is a good time to go inward, to be more introspective. The energy associated with the lungs is letting go. It’s a good time to make room for new experiences and growth.

Fall is the perfect opportunity to readjust - in work, at home, in your relationship, in your self care… in any area that needs a little extra attention as we move into the new season. Acupuncture is one of the best ways to reinvigorate the body and mind, as it works by opening up channels in the body, unblocking accumulations and allowing for better blood flow and circulation, all of which increases energy.

As many of you may know, Jaime spent the summer with her new son Hayden, and is looking forward to returning to work this month to reconnect with her patients just in time for the fall - and she’s taking new patients!

If you find yourself having trouble moving away from summer, feeling sluggish or overwhelmed, or find yourself in need of some energy, clarity and focus, get in touch with Jaime to learn how acupuncture can help and to set up an appointment: